Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A Season of Change

I have always felt God's leading in my life here in Uganda. When he called me here over 5 years ago, I had no idea for how long, how it would impact my life, and the lives of others here. I hung out my fleece and asked God to reveal His perfect will for me and He most assuredly did. He spoke to me in a way, He never had before. I was in it for the long haul no matter how long.

These last 5 years, I have had NO idea when or if he would change that or call me back or on to the next mission. I have always been willing to be here for as long as He desired or for the rest of my days. God, it seems, has finally revealed that time frame to me.

With some fear and trepidation and yet a perfect peace that passes all understanding, I will be leaving Uganda January 2011. I am certain that God is saying "Go Home For Now". I have no certainties, however, about where He is leading me next or when or how, or even what I will do when I go back home. I have nothing but precious family and my church and friends and you wonderful people to go home to. I only know He is calling me to go home for a while.

I am open to suggestions or any interest you might pass my way. Perhaps He is allowing me time with my mother who is so frail. Though I missed many milestones with my Grandchildren, I have always been willing to give up family for this calling and yet God has been gracious in allowing me the times I have had to go home and 'visit'. I do know one thing, I will always be involved in Missions at the heart, and I will ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS within my power be a supporter of Amani Baby Cottage. This place has been my lifeblood for over 5 years!!

This decision has not been abrupt nor easy. I have been praying, and fighting this with God for several weeks now. I knew this would probably happen someday but truly didn't expect it now. I love Amani and my work here. This is my home and has been since I first set foot on Ugandan soil.

I would like first to ask you to join me in prayer that God would continue to reveal His perfect will for my life and that I be patient and willing to bend or wait or go or whatever He has planned.

Secondly, I would like to ask you dear ones, for now, to partner with me and continue supporting me financially, both now and in the interim which of course starts January 2011. While it is still 4 months off, I need to prepare to begin shutting down my home and possessions I have acquired here in Uganda, get back home in Colorado, and then wait for God to direct my next move. Since I have no home, car, job or prospects at this time, I ask for your continued support. My goal is to be able to be ready, willing and able at the proper time. If you are so willing I would greatly appreciate it. Know that the funds will continue to be projected at Missions support. I will also continue for now with my blog comments on my work at Amani.

Lastly, I would ask that you let me know your thoughts, encouragements and any direction you think I might benefit from. I greatly value your love and support, your prayers and your friendship. This has been a difficult time and I feared it, yet, God said, Trust me, and that I shall do.

Thank you so very much and may God richly bless you as I pray you read between the lines and see into my heart. A heart filled with love and service to the kingdom.

By His Grace;

Siouxanne Mease
Reaching Hands Missions

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