Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Uganda home sweet home!!

My time here back in Uganda is almost at a close. I have had a wonderful 3 weeks and have managed to see almost all of my friends and acquaintainces here in Jinja. I was greeted happily by the dear Bharj family with a welcoming sign and immediately put me to work, helping to configure the new clinic at the new site. Measuring and deciding where to put everything such as the exam table, sink, isolette, infant warmer, medication fridge, meds, books and journals, medical texts and my presence there filled me with great joy!!!

I have been extremely busy and have pretty much ran my tail off doing everything I possibly could and still keep up with my studies. Yes, unfortunately, I was not able to take a break from classes and even began a new class the very day I headed out on this trip. Fortunately, I have been able to keep up with it, with even the sketchy internet and have not fallen behind. Much as happened in the short time I have been here and more will continue after I leave. Here are just a few of the pics of the new site.

Intial moving day is this friday, my birthday, and I am excited to be able to at least be a small part of moving things over to the site. The children wont be moved until next week, but it is happening. I am thrilled with what little I have been a part of.
Thanksgiving is on Thursday and I will be priveledged to spend it with my dear Ugandan family.
Saturday morning will find Danyne and I heading to Kampala ( the dam is under construction) and it may take awhile. WE will meet up with Angie Goering of Hope Center Uganda, where I will spend the last of my few days in Uganda. More to come later this week...