Yes, you read correctly. I am only 6 days away from my first return visit to Uganda. I can hardly stand the wait and was beginning to think it was not going to happen. I am elated that even though this is a short 2 week visit, I finally get to return to my second home and be with my Ugandan loved ones even for a short time.
Thank you if you were a part of supporting me in this return mission. I cannot tell you what it means to me to return.
Many changes are in the process of taking place at Amani and I can hardly wait to share them with you.
I will also be visiting my dear friends new ministry Hope Center Uganda in Mityana. It has been over a year since they arrived there and started this unique ministry in that area. I am excited to see them again as well.
I know it has been since April since I posted, but truly, I never stop thinking about God's call on my life.
For now, He has impressed upon me to stay stateside and continue to be here for my family.
My grandson Nathan is doing fantastic, has beat two types of Cancer and still remains Cancer free.
That is a huge praise. All the glory goes to God. Without Him at our sides, this past year and a half would have been very difficult.
Many changes have taken place in my life since returning, and I still do not feel grounded or like I fit in anywhere, but I trust God and know, He still working on me, to make me what I ought to be...."
I have wondered just what His plan is, and for now, I feel He is saying, hang tight, trust me, and go with the flow, go to Uganda, take supplies to the baby home and get back.
So that is what I am doing. I will be flying out of DIA on October 29th (this coming Monday) and will return November 14th.
I will try to post pics while I am there but that is iffy and for sure will post when I return.
Once again, I want to thank those of you who helped make this trip possible. You have blessed me in ways, I can never repay. I am eternally grateful to you!!!