Yesterday, I ran to the SuperMarket for a couple of things needed for the Sunrise Service held annually on my front lawn on Easter Morning. As I went around the Calvary Chapel Property, of which I live behind, I drove past the cross they put up for Easter. I stopped very suddenly and took this picture fast.
These children, Randomly caught, were all alone and kneeling before this cross praying. It wasnt planned, it wasnt propped or set up, these children were there (not knowing I would happen by with my camera) praying and it gave me such joy and blessed me. I called to them several times, after they rose from praying, before they would come to me. I gave them each 200 Ugandan Schillings (About >10c) for taking their picture. Their faces lit up and they laughed and told me Thank You. Then ran probably to buy something to eat. It made my Easter that much more special.
Easter morning, 6 AM just as last year, the rain stopped, we set up for sunrise service, no sunrise to see, but beautiful clouds and a cool temperature. Many wore jackets. We Sang
a few songs, had special music, and had an original word and message from Msumba (Pastor) Terry. He shared with us that Christ was the Door to Salvation and that the Resurrection was the Hinge that held the door. OK, we all know that to stay in place we all know a door needs hinges. Since Christ (the door) is the only way to Salvation. The Resurrection Hinges are pretty important. How wonderful to know we each have access to that door and can walk through any time we are ready.
After our service we fellowshiped together with an early morning breakfast potluck in my home. There was 48 of us early risers for the sunrise service.
As the last worshipper left my compound the rains came again. Just like last year, they held off for the service and breakfast.Thank you for the beautiful rain you send and for your ultimate sacrifice for all of us on every corner of the world.
Bless you all dear ones as you celebrate the Risen Saviour. "THE DOOR WITH HINGES"!!
On my way back from the Supermarket yesterday, I stopped once again and took another picture of the cross from the other angle. NO children posing. Just wanted you to see it.
Blessed Easter!!